Ohsemm pepol :D

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Assignment week~~~ BUSY ヾ(*д*)ノ゛

Asalamualaikum,, lama menyepi... tiba2 rajin mo menaip d blog ni.. haha gara2 assignment group Operating System .. Kalo rajin singgah lah ke situ ek :-)


┏(・o・)┛♪┗ (・o・) ┓

Sbnrnya., sda sy buat coding sana Notepad++ utk html website rupanya sir mo online website so.... here i am doing my job as a student to submit my assignment. Hoping that my carry mark will help me for my final exam this JUNE :3 wish me luck :-) Takut nie skg busy dgn Multimedia Design, we are designing story book for children in flash and the lecturer want to see 50% animation. HUH! IDK how to do that in a short time.. Need to cooperate with my group members >_< hope they do the best for our project. Lepas tu Programming lagi bikin pusing T_T sbb dlu mula2 kwn sy ckp ada sda group kunun,, sekali baru2 tanya drg ada group sda !_! sakit jglah hati nie kan... x mengapalah,, stick with someone that willing to have you in their group is fine :-) HARAP drg ni rajin buat keja sbb takut mcm sem lalu last minit buat keja skali hancusssss~ nasib jg siap ~~~ huhu. PALIS2.. here is my other blog hope that sir boleh terima walopun group kami terlebih org,, apa ble buat kesian tgk kwn2 yg teda group lagi. *YOU CAN DO IT ILA*

Sekian coretan potpetpotpet dari saya kali ini sampai ketemu lagi,, XOXO_LOVE <3

*ps/: patut upgrade sikit rupa blog ni,, nama jak bdk multimedia.. hahaha* (ノ゚▽゚)ノ